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Carol Kocivar / On Education

Burning books

Focus on Education

You are what you learn.

Just to stir the pot: Do white Christian nationalists, some advocates of liberated ethnic studies, and fascists have anything in common?

• • • • • • • • January 2025 • • • • • • • •

Whether we are talking about political leanings or academic accomplishments, you are what you learn.  That’s why it is so important to identify the skills and knowledge we want our children to have when they become adults.

I hope we all agree that our children should learn academic skills: literacy, mathematics, science, and history. 

However, with a new president about to take control, it’s time to take a closer look at education philosophies competing for dominance.

Should we teach our children a worldview that life is divided between the oppressors and the oppressed?  Should we teach our children to value the contributions of all cultures?  Should we teach our children to religiously follow the rules of those in power or should we teach our children critical thinking skills. 

quote marks

We know, for example, the initial success of fascism in Germany and Italy was a revamping of the education systems to teach strict adherence to the nazi/fascist leadership, to ban books and thoughts that did not conform to that world view. ”

These are not just philosophical musings

We know, for example, the initial success of fascism in Germany and Italy was a revamping of the education systems to teach strict adherence to the nazi/fascist leadership, to ban books and thoughts that did not conform to that world view. Racial education, Aryan supremacy, and anti-semitism were strongly embedded in the education systems. It was an education system that highlighted—indeed, rewarded— the idea of ‘us’ against ‘them’. 

Political success and education

The key to a country’s success is the education of its youth.

In Germany, Hitler youth pledged:

“Adolf Hitler, you are our great Fuhrer. Thy name makes the enemy tremble. Thy will alone is law upon the earth. Let us hear daily thy voice; order us by thy leadership. For we will obey to the end and even with our lives. We praise thee! Hail Hitler!”Fuhrer, my Fuhrer, give me by God. Protect and preserve my life for long. You saved Germany in time of need. I thank you for my daily bread. Be with me for a long time, do not leave me, Fuhrer. My Fuhrer, my faith, my light, Hail to my Fuhrer!”

In Italy, Catholicism became the only religion of the State, and mandatory religious instruction was required in elementary and secondary schools.  As in Germany, youth groups were taught allegiance to the leader, Mussolini.

“Mussolini is always right. One thing should be dear to thee above all: The life of the Duce.”

Does this apply to American schools?

In communities across our nation, some advocate lessons that pit one group against another. Whether it be white Christian nationalists or some advocates of liberated ethnic studies, they have worldviews that embed the idea of ‘us vs them’ in their teachings. Yup. This is real. The California Attorney General has warned school districts that they must take care that in presenting diverse perspectives they do not end up discriminating against other groups or communities

(Before I am inundated with nasty missives, let’s be clear. Our children must learn history, warts and all, including the clashes of races, cultures, economies. Yes, we should teach about colonialism and capitalism. Yes, there are indeed good guys and very, very bad guys. There are those who promote racism and religious discrimination, and economic policies that favor the rich. Yes, ethnic studies can create a broader understanding of diversity but not if taught to divide people by race and the color of their skin. There are similar concerns with white Christian nationalists who view the world as threatened by non-whites, non-Christians, and immigrants.)

We the people

  • Our public schools should teach our children the value of all cultures, and not divide them into a worldview of the ‘oppressors vs the oppressed.’
  • Our public schools should teach our children critical thinking skills and not ban books and ideas that we disagree with.
  • Our public schools should teach our children the idea of democracy and not allegiance to any political figures.
  • Our public schools should teach our children about religions, not teach our children religion.

What are your schools teaching?   Remember: You are what you learn.

Carol Kocivar is a children’s advocate and lives in the Westside. Feedback:

January 2025

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